cheers - experience - laugh - tears - friends - foe - love come along with a package named LIFE :)

Friday, October 5, 2012


giving immunizations is not as easy as it looks, especially for doctors.
let me show you why ;)

doctor's mind :                                                            Reality :

(kid's mind about injections)

(Polio vaccination)

(BCG, Measles)

(DTP, Hep B, HiB)

So dear medical students, we need to face reality!
embrace yourself ;)


Happy birthday Isni!

Happy belated birthday my dearest Isni Maulina Sukmara!
It might not be beautiful, but we made this cake with our hearts :p (lina & ayu).
we love you ♥


My own cupcakes

cupcakes I made for the very first time!

(I made this with Isni for ayu's 21st birthday!)

(made this one for my beloved family)


Monday, September 17, 2012

Icing for cupcakes

Basic Fondant

250 gr confectioner's sugar sifted
hot water

1. pour 2 tsp of hot water into confectioner's sugar sifted
2. mix it well
3. add another tsp of hot water
4. Insert few drops of colouring and mix it again
5. pour the icing above the cupcakes 

Butter-cream icing 

1/2 cup solid vegetable shortening
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine
1 tsp clear vanilla extract
4 cups sifted confectioner's sugar (approximately 1 lb.)
2 tablespoon milk

1. In a large bowl, cream shortening and butter with electric mixer. add vanilla. 
2. gradually add sugar, one cup at a time, beating well on medium speed. 
scrape sides and bottom of bowl often. when all sugar has been mxed in, icing will appear dry. 
3. add milk and beat at medium speed until light and fluffy. 
4. keep bowl covered with a damp cloth until ready to use.
5. for best result, keep icing bowl in refrigerator when not in use. refrigerated in an airtight container. 
this icing can be stored 2 weeks. rewhip before using. 
6. for thin (spreading) consistency icing: add 2 tsp light corn syrup, water or milk.
for pure white icing (stiff consistency): omit butter, substitute an additional 1/2 cup shortening 
for butter and add 1/2 tsp no-color butter flavor. 
add up to 4 tsp light corn syrup, water or milk to thin for icing cakes.

Buttercream Icing

Lemon Butter-cream Icing

1/2 cups solid vegetabela shortening
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter softened
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon lemon zest
4 cups sifted confectioner's sugar (approximately 1 lb.)
additional lemon juice or milk (optional)

1. In a large bowl, cream shortening and butter with electric mixer until light and fluffy. 
2. Add lemon juice and zest; beat well.
3. gradually add sugar, one cup at atime, beating well on medium speed. 
4. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl often.
5. when all sugar has been mixed in, if icing is dry, 
add additional juice or milk and beat at medium speed until fluffy.
6. keep icing covered with damp cloth until ready to use.
7. for best result, keep icing bowl in refrigerator when not in use. rewhip before using

Lemon Buttercream Icing


Friday, September 14, 2012

How to make cupcakes!

Makes 12 standard-size cupcakes or use half the quantities to make 18-24 mini cupcakes

150g butter softened
150 g sugar
3 eggs beaten
150 g self-raising flour, sifted (+ 1 tsp baking powder)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp milk

For the frosting
75 g butter at room temperature
150 icing sugar
1 tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
a selection of food colouring, choose your favorite colours!

Method :
1. Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/ gas 4
2. Cream together the butter and sugar until light, fluffy and pale
3. gradually mix in the beaten egg alternating with the flour to stop the mix from curdling.
finally, stir through the vanilla extract and milk.
4. Place 12 paper cupcase cases into muffin tin and devide the mixture between them.
5. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden and springy to te touch.
Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack.

6. For the frosting: in amixing bowl beat the butter with a spoon or spatular until smooth, then start to sift in the icing sugar, stirring regularly. add the vanilla extract and milk. the frosting should be light and creamy.
7. Mix your choosen food colouring colours into the icing to gave an even colour.
8. Once the cupcakes are totally cool, spoon or pipe the icing onto your cupcakes and finish with your chosesn decorations. Then allow to set for at least 30 minutes.

Happy Birthday AYU!

happy birthday ayu!!
haartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag en een fijne dag toegewenst ;)
I'm wishing you a wonderful, splendid birthday with tons of hugs and kisses along with a bunch of love ♥
may god keeps you healthy, happy, and as wonderful as you are now!
enlightens you with His light, shows you His way and finds you the right person :D

Ps: moto 'AMEA where the magic happens' diganti ya yu! we started our crush together. I've ended it, and so had you! what a lovely best friends we are :p


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


        Mengerjap, lagi dan lagi. Kutarik nafas dan langsung kubuang kembali. Tarik lagi, buang lagi. Mungkin kepala ini sedang kosong, namun kalau begitu apa ini yang sedang ingin kutulis? Tak banyak yang sedang kufikirkan, mungkin hanya lamunan di sore hari. Sendiri disini membuatku tersadar. Ada apa denganku? Rasanya ini pertanyaan yang cukup sulit, mengingat seperti yang kubilang sebelumnya pikiran ini sedang kosong. Secara logika tidak mungkin kita menarik sesuatu yang tidak ada pada tempatnya.

        Aku merasa diriku sama seperti seekor binatang. Aku berfikir namun tak tahu apa yang kufikirkan. Pada titik ini, mungkin aku bisa disamakan dengan seekor kera atau bahkan setitik semut yang kulihat berjalan diatas meja. Ah aku mulai meracau, kembali ke titik pokok permasalahan, ada apa denganku?

        Sulit sekali rasanya mendefinisikan perasaan. Kemampuanku yang satu ini bisa dibilang dibawah rata-rata. Aku bahkan tidak bisa menentukan apa aku seorang yang berfikir positif atau bahkan sebaliknya. Ketika aku mencoba menanyakan hal tersebut ke seseorang yang cukup mengenalku, jawabannya membuatku tersadar ‘Bukan keduanya lin, kamu bukan optimistic ataupun pesimistic tapi kamu adalah seorang yang realistic’. Ya betul, logika (memang) kutempatkan diatas segalanya. Apakah itu adalah suatu kesalahan?

    Kuakui, hal ini menjawab berbagai pertanyaan yang sebelumnya berkecambuk di kepalaku. Pertanyaan kecil seperti alasan dari caraku menjawab pertanyaan, berpenampilan, bersikap, hingga hal besar seperti alasan dari setiap keputusan yang kuambil dan jalan yang kupilih dalam hidup. Hal ini menjelaskan ‘caraku’ mengendalikan kehidupanku. Semuanya harus (dan mungkin hanya) berdasarkan fakta dan logika.

      Mungkin kau akan berkata bahwa ini adalah hal baik yang tidak perlu dikhawatirkan. Dan memang aku tidak pernah khawatir. Hanya saja, menjadi terlalu realistik membuatku tidak punya banyak impian karena tidak ‘ingin’ berusaha mencapai apa yang kurasa tak mampu kucapai. Tak berani mengambil resiko, hanya ingin berdiri di zona aman. Menetapkan target yang tidak terlalu tinggi, hanya agar aku yakin aku mampu melampauinya. Tapi ini bukan berarti aku pesimis dan berfikir negatif. Justru aku menjadi lalai, tak takut akan segala risiko yang ada. Aku menjadi lalai karena menurut pertimbanganku, apa yang kulakukan masuk diakal dan angka kegagalannya cukup rendah. Kalaupun ternyata aku gagal, aku merasa tidak akan pernah terlalu terpuruk karena tak banyak yang kupertaruhkan mengingat standarku tidak terlalu tinggi. Nyaman bukan?

    Kenyamanan ini terkadang membutakanku. Sekali lagi, lalai dan lalai. Aku menjalani hidupku terlalu santai. Usahaku tak pernah sekeras seharusnya karena aku tidak memiliki ketakutan akan kegagalan. Sehingga jarang sekali aku berhasil mencapai apa yang mungkin sebenenarnya dapat kucapai. Kecenderunganku hanya menerima ketimbang mencari sendiri, hanya berusaha dan bukan bersungguh-sungguh. Wajar saja banyak hal yang kuinginkan tapi tak pernah kudapatkan. Bahkan pengambilan keputusan untuk hal-hal yang seharusnya kulibatkan perasaan didalamnya seperti profesi, cita-cita, cara bersikap dan bahkan urusan jodoh kurasa kupilih secara realistis. Inilah fikiranku, isi kepalaku, diriku 


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Be strong!

"Keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling
because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about."
- Marilyn Monroe


Laziness (also called indolence) is a disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to do so. It is often used as a pejorative; related terms for a person seen to be lazy include couch potatoslacker, and bludger.

How to overcome laziness :
1. Try to figure out the single detail or problem which is holding you back
2. Think about the importance of the problem or goal
3. convince yourself you can do something
4. don't be afraid to ask some help
5. decide to start the work and you're well on your way to completing it
6. appreciate the cost benefit relationship that is overaching scheme of life
7. take your time!
8. gear your self up into action by telling yourself a motivation
9. finish a step and cheer up :D
10. remember to reward yourself
11. continue working
12. Don't give up!

check your grade of laziness! 

I'm trying to overcome 'this' feeling and study for exam! since there's only 1 exam left, the degree of my laziness multiplies!! I'm stuck on step 4. And while I'm posting this, my friend ari, saw me and told me that this thing I'm doing right now is not going to help anything :p
I guess she's right, I gotta get moving and so do you! ;)

source :


Taman kupu-kupu! Udah lama pengen kesana. penasaran yang di Bali tapi yang di cihanjuang Bandung rasanya gak kalah kok! salahnya, pas kesana pas bgt lagi musim ujan jadi aja kupu-kupunya tinggal sedikit. Padahal katanya biasanya penuh! waaaah gak kebayang pasti seru banget :D

Htm 20rb per orang. When you get the chance to come there, dont forget your camera! Do-not-repeat-my-mistake!! I didnt bring a proper camera and It was such a loss :'(
I miss the chance of taking pictures with awsome colorfull butterflies. 
alhasil cuman ngejepret alakadarnya pake kamera hp.


A trip to Bali

At January 2012, 4 girls taking a trip to bali. All of sudden & unprepared but it was a total fun!

take a look at this funny monkeys :D


My first doll

Making a doll is so fun (and easy) !
I thought it was difficult so I tried to practice. 
 I took my old white hand bag & starting to cut it down in pieces. 
When I succeed  I'm planning to buy the proper needs :p
and guess what! I don't need to but anything and Its not that difficult after all! 

first of all I draw the pattern of a human (a boy) & cut it down.
I painted the rest of the bag to get the color I want.
then I stitch it all together, filling it with cotton.
and viola!! It resemble my boyfriend :p


Kids ;)

Look they're sooooo cute!
just a simple kiss & a simple I love you

(ow ow I like this one!!)


after months, I finally touch this blog again!

I guess one of the most frustrating thing about having a blog is finding the right layout!
I don't know if its just me, but I always need hours of useless googling & downloading craps.
I hate this part, reeeeeeaaaaalllly. I mean it, I totally do.

Now it might not be cool, but at least it functional :)